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Anyone who wants to go keto must cut down on carbs to the curb. It's a high-fat moderate protein, a moderately low-carb diet. Diets patterned after the ketogenic diet include the South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet (its induction phase is in particular) and modified Paleo, and other low-carb diets. The ketogenic diet can be used by any person, as you can be vegan , or vegetarian, and still be able to achieve ketogenesis. It is recommended to eat foods that have the highest natural fat content and avoid foods with trans-fats. Eat fruits that have a low glycemic index , yet are high in fiber. You can also take other food items such as avocados (also because of the fat) and fruits. Consume a lot of green, red and yellow vegetables. Try this Custom Keto Diet for info

These are the key components of the keto diet:
Meat (grass-fed or free-range is superior): pork, chickens, beef, eggs. Vegetable protein sources are required for vegans.
Nuts and seeds
Cream, which is a high-fat dairy product, whole and hard butter are all examples of high-fat foods.
Leafy greens
Fish and seafood
Pure butter coconut oil, coconut oil, and vegetable oils are rich with omega 3

Things to Avoid:
Anything made from starch (even whole grain bread made from organic whole grain)
Most fruits have high levels of sugar.
All foods that are low-fat
Vegetable oils that are high in omega-6 and low on omega-3
To find out what type of fat is suitable for you, take a look at this article.

Certain keto dieters may consist of coffee and alcohol but not sugar, cream or milk. Some people aren't a fan of it. You can experiment with these beverages to find the one that works for you.

Here's a taster of a Keto meal:

Bacon and ground beef rolls (166 calories, 14.3g butter, 0 net carbohydrates, 7.64g protein per portion)
Cauliflower that is loaded (199 cals, 17g of fat, 3 net carbohydrates, 8g protein per portion)
Bone broth (72 calories; 6g fat, 0.7% net carbs; 3.6 g protein per cup)
Bye Bye Carbs - Bring on the Bacon
For the majority of time, people depended on carbohydrate-rich food items for their base. Carbohydrates were a good source of calories as well as the primary source of energy.

In the modern world of industrial agriculture, caloric abundance and life-styles that lead to sedentary lifestyles, we tend not to count on enough carbs, and overdo it. The glucose from excessive carbs is quickly metabolized by the body, but it is stored as fat when not being used. This causes a massive rise in obesity. In the process of converting fats into ketones (FFAs) and ketogenic diet is a way for your body to rely less on the fats in your diet to provide energy. This metabolic state of natural is commonly called ketosis. To achieve ketosis, it is necessary to decrease your intake of carbohydrates in order to stimulate your body's production of ketones. Your body will rely solely on fats in your diet to fuel you if you cut down the amount of carbs you consume net to 30-50 grams.

Your Body on Keto
Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which serves as the primary energy source. The excess glucose is transformed to glucose and stored in your muscles and your liver to be used later. This is exactly what the ketogenic diet is doing. The body is in ketosis when you consume keto. It is a condition where your body has been reduced in glycogen because of the low carb diet. Instead fats are converted into energy via oxidation and generating ketones. The energy produced by fat is slower than glucose which can provide short bursts of energy. You may experience lower sugar cravings if adhere to a ketogenic diet. Unsaturated fats are more satisfying, so a ketogenic diet can help you stay away from overeating. Additionally, research has proven ketones to be neuroprotective.

The Adjustment Phase of Adjusting to Keto
Your body can't take on changes. These side effects, also known as keto flu can occur during the initial few days after the keto diet. Nausea, dizziness, fatigue as well as other symptoms are symptoms of the keto virus. The body's response is to let you know that it's resisting the urge to cut back on carbs and begin using fat as a fuel source. If you're on ketogenic diets, fatty acids are released from your body fat and insulin levels decrease. When insulin levels decrease the kidneys release more water. This leads to an increase in the number of trips to the bathroom (and a rise in the amount of potassium and sodium). Your blood pressure may drop as a result. The signs of low blood pressure are by fatigue and dizziness. Dehydration can also cause leg cramps.

It is possible to combat these symptoms by increasing your electrolyte and fluid intake, especially during the first few days of a keto diet. You can also try vegetable broth and bone broth. Low blood sugar and hypoglycemia are a different side effect ketosis may result in. The symptoms include feeling hungry, tired or shaky until your body adjusts to its new fat-burning diet. When you are experiencing keto-adaptation, physical performance is reduced. The following is a brief overview of research studies looking at the effect of ketogenic diets on physical performance:

A ketogenic diet could make anaerobic (i.e. weight lifting, sprint) performance less efficient. This could hinder the use of ketogenics in competitive athletics. If you are an athlete who depends on your performance to maintain your position (or your job if your job is professional) If you are, then a ketogenic diet in the off-season might not be the best choice.